sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Monica Madrid's real love

In April 1990, being almost 26 my sister Monica went to England to spent two six months terms in the company of a girl friend who happened to be her namesake, Monica Sobrino.

My sister didn’t have enough money because her friend had made the proposal to go with her to the UK with little time to save. Once they were in England, the two Monicas lodged in Derrick’s house, an acquaintance of my sister’s friend who had lived in Guadalajara and had taught English in Interlingua not long before. That house was located in Gravesend, Kent not far from London. Derrick Stansfield, a 36 year old man at the time, single, polite was very kind to my sister who almost immediately faced trouble because her friend didn’t respect their agreement (which consisted in that Monica Sobrino would lend her money that my sister would pay until they were back in Mexico within a year) and instead of that began putting pressure so she began to pay her money back. Then Derrick, as a gentleman and a good friend in spite of being a new acquaintance to my sister eased the payment of the accommodation and got a job for her as a waitress in a pub. This allowed my sister to stay a first six month term and when this ended, they went out of the country, to the Mediterranean (to Ibiza, an Spanish island) to go back to England and be able to spend a second six month term.

My sister fall in love with this good man. Should have been December 1990 that Derrick visited Mexico and came to Guadalajara and my family met him. I had the chance to talk to him for a few minutes, in Spanish. He was kind and very nice. In April 1991 Monica came back home and behaved very rudely towards her family. She had fallen in love with her British friend. She aimed to work (now at Interlingua, a rubbish language school) and save money to go back to England and conquer Derrick Stanfield’s heart, marry him and raise a family with him. But in Derrick’s plans there was no room for marriage and a family and even if there had been, I don’t think he would ever had married a woman so ugly, with a huge hatred inside of her.

That man, Derrick Stansfield, born in England about 63 years ago is Monica Madrid’s real love, not asshole Jeffery Jung. The former is an excellent man, the latter a real piece of filth.

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